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Student Services - SAIT LibCal

Accessibility Services

Lamb Learner Success Centre

Roles and Responsibilities

What is my responsibility as a student in the accommodation process?

  • Initiate the request for accommodations by contacting accessibility services prior to the start of the semester (6-8 weeks prior to the semester start is preferred)
  • Complete intake forms and provide the necessary documentation to support the request
  • Meet with the advisor to discuss appropriate accommodations
  • Provide the accommodation memo to SAIT instructors at the beginning of each term/training period
  • Communicate with instructors to advocate for their academic success
  • Discuss any exam accommodations with instructors 7 days prior (minimum)
  • Forward Accommodation Memo to necessary instructors each semester
  • Meet with an accessibility advisor to discuss progress, changes in or concerns with accommodations
  • If writing exams in Testing Services (MC221) for examinations, you must abide by their timelines for RegisterBlast exam booking. Please refer to the Testing Services website. Testing Services (


What is the responsibility of an instructor?

  • Receive the accommodation memo from the student
  • Discuss accommodation needs with student
  • Collaborate with student and accessibility advisor on accommodations needs/changes/concerns
  • Create an inclusive learning environment for the student. This may include adopting UDL initiatives for the entire class
  • Schedule exams/labs/assignments to meet accommodations as necessary
  • If using test centre for examinations:
    • Initiate registration in RegisterBlast for examinations
    • Ensure the online version of the exam is provided to test centre in advance of the scheduled examination
    • Ensure student booking time meets instructor requirements
  • Refer the student to Accessibility Services if they believe a student may need additional accommodations

What is the responsibility of an accessibility advisor?

  • Review the student intake form and documentation
  • Meet with the student to discuss needs/reasonable accommodations
  • Meet with instructor/Academic Chair as needed to discuss accommodation (usually if complex)
  • Create an accommodation memo and provide it to the student and Academic Chair
  • Meet with the student to discuss progress, changes in or concerns with accommodations
  • Recommend other support resources as necessary
  • Meet with Academic Chair or instructors as needed to discuss concerns, new accommodations, etc.
  • Assistance with funding applications for services, equipment and technology


  • Receive the accommodation memo from the accessibility advisor
  • Discuss any concerns related to the memo or student with an accessibility advisor
  • Work with the student to create revised scheduling if necessary (if qualified for reduced course load)
  • Ensure classroom needs, if necessary, are met
  • May oversee accommodations with instructors
  • Track the academic progression of the student
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