Template | Example | |
Reference list entry |
[#] First Initial. Surname, "Title of document," Organization Name, City, Abbreviated State., Country, Report Number, Abbreviated Month Day, Year. Accessed: Abbreviated Month Day, Year. [Format]. Available: doi OR internet address |
[1] G. Glass, "Electrical safety program: Nonelectrical crafts at LANL, Live #12175," Los Alamos National Lab, Los Alamos, NM, USA, LA-UR--16-29637, 2016. Accessed: Sept. 29, 2019. [Online]. Available: doi:10.2172/1338684. |
Template | Example | |
Reference list entry |
[#] Title of Standard, Standard number, Corporate Author, City, Abbreviated State, Country, Abbreviated Month. Year. [Online]. Available: internet address |
[1] Canadian Electrical Code, Part I Safety Standard for Electrical Installations, CSA C22.1:21, Canadian Standards Association, Toronto, Canada, Jan. 2021. [Online]. Available: https://view.csagroup.org/x6K4ke |
Note: Omit the date if it is part of the title of the Standard or Code.
Template | Example | |
Reference list entry |
[#] Name of the invention, by inventor First Initial. Last name. (Year, Abbreviated Month. Day). Patent Number [Format]. Available: internet address |
[1] Screwless clip mounted computer drive, by D. Williams. (2005, Apr. 26). U.S. Patent 6,885,550 B1 [Online]. Available: https://patents.google.com/patent/US6885550B1/en |
Data Sheets | ||
Template | Example | |
Reference list entry |
[#] Company Name, “Title of data sheet,” Data Sheet number, Date of Publication. |
Texas Instruments, “High speed CMOS logic analog multiplexers/demultiplexers,” 74HC4051 datasheet, Nov. 1997 [Revised Sept. 2002]. |
Material Safety Data Sheets | ||
Template | Example | |
Reference list entry | [#] Title of MSDS/SDS; Number of MSDS/SDS [Print or Online]; Name of Manufacturing Company: Location of Company, Abbreviated Month. Day, Year. Internet address (date accessed). |
Ammonium Chloride; SDS No. 000001616 [Online]; Avantor: Center Valley, PA, Feb. 23, 2015. https://www.avantorinc.com/ Documents/MSDS/USA/SAP/00038387.PDF (accessed Apr. 27, 2018). |
Google Maps* | ||
Template | Example | |
Reference list entry | [#] Corporation Name. “Map title.” Accessed: Abbreviated Month Day, Year. [Online]. Available: URL. | [1] Google. "Google Maps directions for driving from Calgary, AB to Edmonton, AB." Accessed: July 10, 2018. [Online]. Available: https://goo.gl/maps/S6KVrFnSa6C2 |
Maps Generated from Software | ||
Template | Example | |
Reference list entry | [#] Corporation Name, "Map title." Scale. Site or Software Name. Abbreviated Month Day, Year. Accessed: Abbreviated Month Day, Year. [Format]. Available: URL | [22] City of Calgary, "Pathway and bikeway map." Scale not given. Arcgis.com. Oct. 15, 2020. Accessed: July 2, 2021. [Online]. Available: https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=edf0a6c3c04d40aaa3c8262388042dc0 |
*Note: IEEE does not provide guidance on citing maps or other cartographic material. The above example is provided as it is a common scenario at SAIT, but should not be taken as guidance according to the IEEE guidelines.
For more information about citing maps, see the advice of the ACMLA Recommended Best Practices in Citation of Cartographic Materials document produced by the Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives. This document provides general advice for components and is not in IEEE format.
According to the current IEEE guidelines, private communications (e.g., emails, phone calls, and interviews) are a type of unpublished source but must still be cited in your reference list. It is recommended that you make the medium of communication clear in your writing.
Template | Example | |
Reference list entry |
[#] First Initial. Surname, private communication, Abbreviated Month Year of communication. |
[15] G. Kaur, private communication, Aug. 2024. |
Note that previous versions of IEEE did not include private communications in the reference list. Ask your instructor whether you are required to list emails, phone calls, and interviews, or other private communications in your reference list.
If you are citing information from generative AI, it is recommended to treat it like a private communication since the output is not consistently reproducible.
Template | Example | |
In-text citation | Provide a clear indication that you are referencing the output of AI. | Our group asked ChatGPT for its top study tips, and the number one recommendation it gave was to "set clear goals" [15] |
Reference list entry |
[#] Name of AI model, private communication, Abbreviated Month Year of communication. |
[15] ChatGPT, private communication, Aug. 2024. |
Always check with your instructor before using generative AI in your coursework.
View SAIT's Policy on AI use - AC.3.4.3. Schedule F - Use of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Teaching and Learning
A secondary source is one that is discussed by the author you are reading. You do not read the original report but instead get the information second-hand from the author. IEEE guidelines do not allow the use of secondary sources. Because you did not read the original report, you cannot include it in your research. Contact your liaison librarian to assist you with locating the original source.
Scenario | Solution | Example |
Two to six uathors |
Two authors: List both authors separated by the word "and" (as seen in the example). More than two: List each author in the order they are listed separated by a comma, with the word "and" preceding the last author's name (as seen in other examples on this guide). |
[2] T. Gray and D. Tracy, "Implementing a trauma informed framework in a disability non-government organization," Western Sydney University, Penrith, Australia, 2016. Accessed: July 12, 2020. Available: https://researchdirect.westernsydney.edu.au/islandora/object/uws:38121 |
More than six authors | List the first author and the words et al. |
[17] P. Goering et al., "National at home/chez soi final report," Mental Health Commission of Canada, Calgary, Canada, 2014. Accessed: Aug. 19, 2018. [Online]. Available: https://www.mentalhealthcommission.ca/sites/default/files/ mhcc_at_home_report_ national_ cross-site_eng_2_0.pdf |
An organization, government agency, or company is the author | List the full name of the organization, government agency, or company as the author. |
[4] Status of Women Canada, "Women in Canada: A gender based statistical report," Government of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, 2018. Accessed: Oct. 19, 2020. [Online]. Available: https://cfc-swc.gc.ca/abu-ans/wwad-cqnf/stat/wic-fac-2015/index-en.html |
No month, day, and/or year | Exclude the month, day, and/or year from your reference list entry. | Follow the format for your source type |
I'm not sure if an accessed date is needed | An accessed date is generally required for any source that is published online. If you aren't sure whether to include one, it's better to have one than to omit. | N/A |
I'm not sure if I should end the citation with a period | You should only exclude the period if your citation ends with an internet address (URL). Otherwise, include a period at the end for doi, page range, or year of publication. | See examples throughout guide |
Is your scenario not covered in this table? Check the official IEEE reference guide or connect with your librarian for assistance.