This guide has been developed for Library Information Technology (LIT) students pursuing an independent study project for LIBR 399. Students can use this guide to help them:
Though written primarily for students in LIBR 399, aspects of this guide may also be useful to students engaged in large projects for other LIT classes.
These resources are good starting places for many library and information technology topics. A login may be required for access.
Of course, there is a lot more information to be found on our e-resources page or through Library Search.
Provides access to material covering all levels of education from early childhood to higher education and all educational specialties. This collection includes journal articles, books and conference papers.
This database provides full-text coverage and high-quality indexing to help librarians and researchers to keep pace with the latest trends in a rapidly evolving field of library and information science. It encompasses subjects such as librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval and information management. It also provides comprehensive coverage of the history of library studies. There are currently 435 titles.
Depending on the scope of your research and the nature of your end product, the following guides may also be useful to you.
Library Search lets you find print and electronic resources from across the Library's many collections.
Just enter a few keywords related to your topic. Then, on the search results page, use the tools in the left column to narrow your results by date, format, and subject.