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Student Services - SAIT LibCal

Non-Accommodated Testing Services

Non-Accommodated Testing Centre offers the following services: External exams, SAIT Make Up Exams, SAIT Supplemental Exams, SAIT Challenge Exams

Make up exam procedure


  • Student walk-in service for make-up exams may only occur at:
  • Monday - Thursday start times are 9:00 am OR 5:00 pm 
  • Fridays –start time is 9:00 am OR 2:00 pm 


  • Students talk to their instructor about writing a make up exam at the testing services anytime within testing hours.
  • It is the responsibility of instructors to submit, and book make up exams. 
  1. Book exam through RegisterBlast as other exams at  Stan Grad RegisterBlast Link
  2. This process is only used if RegisterBlast timelines are not able to be met (96 hour time window). Make up exams can go through RegisterBlast but must follow Testing Services timelines. 
  • Faculty completes the Make-Up exam form.
  • Student will be permitted to write the exam at only the approved scheduled times within 24 hours after approved submission date.
  • Exam may be written up to 7 days following the approved submission date (eg., to allow for illness or other student conflict resolution). Please contact Testing Services if there are further timeline concerns.
  • Faculty must ensure that all information on the exam form (i.e. formula sheets, passwords, other allowable materials, etc.) are correct and all appropriate resources are provided for the exam in advance.
  • Should information/resources be incorrect or not provided, the exam will be stopped, and the student asked to contact the faculty member. Testing Services will NOT contact faculty to discuss discrepancies as they do not have the resources to do so.
  • Faculty is responsible for collecting the complete/incomplete exam within 7 days of approved exam submission date.

If you have any questions regarding makeup exams, please contact


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