Confirm with your institution or company that you wish to write an exam at SAIT. Please follow the steps and requirements needed for taking an external exam by your institution before contacting Testing Services with your request.
Email us at with the following information:
Requests sent less than five business days before the requested writing date will be rejected.
If your request is accepted, exam delivery must be arranged by you and your institution, this includes the return of all documents and proctor forms to your exam coordinator at your institution and any costs associated. Please note that when we accept your exam booking request, this does not confirm that your exam is available at our institution, we are only confirming that your seat is booked within our centre. Please ensure to contact your institution or company to confirm the delivery status of your exam.
There is a $105.00 sitting fee per exam to be paid at the time of check-in (if applicable).
We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Debit. We do not accept cash.
If any paper documents are to be returned to your institution by mail, Testing Services must be provided with a pre-paid courier envelope as per your institution's requirements, before we release your exam. Testing Services will not cover courier or mailing fees in the event incorrect postage or envelopes are provided.
Please note: Testing Services is not responsible for any courier fees associated with external exams.
Testing Services does not keep copies of completed external exams. Completed exams that require courier delivery will be provided by the student or institution. We are not liable for exams lost due to shipping issues.