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Literary Criticism: Critical Analysis on the Web

Literary criticism and book reviews for literature courses at SAIT, including COMM181 and COMM182

Trusted Websites

Google Scholar

Google Scholar searches the web for scholarly material. Search for the author or title of the work along with some search terms that relate to your research question to find academic articles. 

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Google Scholar Search

Use Your RADAR to Evaluate the Source

The RADAR framework provides criteria to help you evaluate the quality, credibility, and relevance of any source of information. Keep these questions in mind when considering if you should use a source in your assignment.

Relevance - is the information/source important to my specific topic or research question?

Authority -  was it written by a credible expert? What institution are they affiliated with?

Date - when was the source published or last updated? Is it a current article (past 10 years)?

Appearance - does it look like a research article? Is there methods/results section?

Reason - why was the information produced in the first place? Who was it written for?

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