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We are all passively taking in information all the time. Our brains know that much of it is unimportant . . .
So we forget it.
To remember information long enough for it to become knowledge we must make an intentional action to do so. We need to signal to our minds that the stuff we are learning in class is important rather than simply allowing information to wash over us and expecting it to stick. Put another way, we need to practice active study skills.
Any of your study activities can be made more active. Check out below for some things to think about when you are getting started setting your study habits for the term. Also, check out the links on the left of the page to get tips on making your reading, note-taking, and time management more active. Lastly, if you are interested in learning more you can attend our free study skills seminar series. Click the link on the left to register!
Learning outcomes include an action word (underlined in red) that describes exactly what you need to be able to do with the information. The concepts/skills you need to demonstrate are underlined in blue. Use your course objectives to create practice questions!