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APA Citation Style: More Sources

This guide provides information on the 7th edition of APA Citation Style as used at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology.

Various Types of Online Reports

Online Report
  Template Example
In-text citation (for a paraphrase) (Author Surname, year of publication) (National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, 2019)
In-text citation (for a direct quotation) (Author Surname, year of publication, page number you took the quote from) (National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, 2019, p. 111)
Reference list entry

Author Surname, First Initial. (Year of publication). Title (Report number if available). Publisher. URL

National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. (2019). Reclaiming power and place. The final report of the national inquiry into missing and murdered indigenous women and girls. The National Inquiry.

Online Report from a Government Agency
  Template Example
In-text citation (for a paraphrase) (Name of Government Agency, year of publication) (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 2017)
In-text citation (for a direct quotation) (Name of Government Agency, year of publication, page number you took the quote from) (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 2017, p. 7)
Reference list entry

Name of Government Agency. (Year of publication). Title (Report number if available). Government Body. URL

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. (2017). 2017-2020 Departmental sustainable development strategy (Catalogue No. A1-31E-PDF). Government of Canada.

Personal Communications

Personal communications are sources of information that you have received but are not accessible to others. Examples of personal communications include emails, texts, online chat messages, direct messages in an app, personal interviews, phone conversations, live speeches, unrecorded lectures, letters, private online group messages, etc.

  Template Example
In-text citation (First initial. Second initial. Surname, personal communication, Month day, year). Many students had difficulty with APA style in writing classes (A.P. Smith, personal communication, November 3, 2015).
Reference list entry

Not required for personal communication

Not required for personal communication

Generative AI


  • The use of generative AI (e.g. ChatGPT) in courses at SAIT is permitted only at the discretion of your course instructor. Permission in one course does not guarantee permission in another. Failure to obtain permission before using generative AI for any purpose in your coursework may result in a charge of academic misconduct.
  • Generative AI might not always be accurate and may lack the most up-to-date information. It is essential to cross-check its outputs against credible sources.
  • The citation format presented below is SAIT specific and is subject to change as SAIT's policies evolve. This format differs from the guidance on APA's style blog.

If you are citing information from generative AI, it is recommended to treat it like a personal communication since the output is not consistently reproducible.

  Template Example
In-text citation (Name of generative AI program, personal communication, Month day, year). Our group asked ChatGPT for its top study tips, and the number one recommendation it gave was to "set clear goals" (ChatGPT, personal communication, August 25, 2023).
Reference list entry

Not required for personal communication

Not required for personal communication

Always check with your instructor before using generative AI in your coursework.

View SAIT's Policy on AI use - AC.3.4.3. Schedule F - Use of Artificial Intelligence Tools in Teaching and Learning

Standards & Codes

  Template Example
In-text citation (for a paraphrase) (Organization Name, year of publication) (International Organization for Standardization, 2015)
In-text citation (for a direct quotation) (Organization Name, year of publication, page number you took the quote from) (International Organization for Standardization, 2015, p. 22)
Reference list entry

Organization Name. (Year of publication). Title of Standard or Code (standard number). URL

International Organization for Standardization. 2015. Quality management systems - requirements (ISO Standard 9001).

Traditional Knowledge or Oral Traditions of Indigenous Peoples

Recorded Traditional Knowledge
  Template Example
In-text citation Use the format appropriate for publication type. (Author Surname, year of publication, page number/paragraph number/timestamp if applicable)
Reference list entry

Use the format appropriate for the publication type (e.g. book, video recording, article, etc.).

Use the format appropriate for the publication type.

*Evaluate recorded Traditional Knowledge to ensure that the information about Indigenous Peoples is accurate and appropriate to share. Ensure you have permission to share the work you are including if necessary.

Oral Traditional Knowledge
  Template Example
In-text citation Provide as much detail as necessary in parentheses, such as speaker's full name, nation, location, date. Also include personal communication.  (Speaker's full name, nation, location, personal communication, date)
Reference list entry

Not required for personal communication

Not required for personal communication

For more information about citing Oral Traditional Knowledge consult the official APA Style Blog.


Google Maps*
  Template Example
In-text citation (Company name, year*) (Google, n.d.)
Reference list entry

Company name. (Year of publication). [Description of the map]. Retrieval date, from URL

Google. (n.d.) [Driving directions from Calgary AB, to Edmonton AB]. Retrieved July 18, 2020, from

*Year: Google Map directions and map overviews are created on demand so they do not have a publication date. Use n.d. for "no date" instead. For Street View and other outputs such as satellite imagery, check the bottom of the screen and use the date listed (if applicable). 

*Note: This template was outlined in the APA Style Blog's 6th edition archive as a way to create a reference for a source type not covered in the official Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. This template is not contained within official APA Style and will not be found in the official Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition.

Maps found within a source (e.g. in a book, on a website, etc.)
  Template Example
In-text citation Use the format for images. Use the format for images.
Reference list entry

Use the format for images.

Use the format for images.

For more information about citing maps found within a source, consult the official APA Style Blog.

Spatial Data

  Template Example
In-text citation* (Data set name, year of publication) (Black Hills National Forest Database, 2008)
Reference list entry*

Data set name (Year published) [source type]. Producer name, producer contact information. Resource URL: [Date accessed].

Black Hills National Forest Database (2008) [downloaded file]. Black Hills National Forest, Custer, SD. URL: [August, 2010].

*Note: The reference list template and example was taken from page 18 of Price, M. H. (2014). Mastering ArcGIS (6th ed.). McGraw-Hill. The in-text citation template and example was created by the SAIT Library to address the need for guidance on citing sources that are unique to SAIT. These templates are not contained within official APA Style and will not be found in the official Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition.

For more information about citing data and/or maps, see the advice of the ACMLA Recommended Best Practices in Citation of Cartographic Materials document produced by the Association of Canadian Map Libraries and Archives.

What if. . .

Scenario Solution In-text citation example Reference list entry example
Two authors

In-text: List both authors.

Reference list: List both authors.

(Gray & Tracy, 2016)

Gray, T. & Tracy, D. (2016). Implementing a trauma informed framework in a disability non-government organization. Centre for Educational Research, School of Education, Western Sydney University.

Three to twenty authors

In-text: List the first author and then et al.

Reference list: List all of the authors, up to and including a maximum of 20 authors.

(Goering et al., 2014)

Goering, P., Veldhuzian, S., Watson, A., Carol, A., Kopp, B., Latimer, E., Nelson, G., MacNoughton, E., Streiner, D., & Aubrey, T. (2014). National at Home/Chez soi Final report. Mental Health Commission of Canada.

An organization, government agency, or company is the author

In-text: List the full name of the organization, government agency, or company as the author.

Reference list: List the full name of the organization, government agency, or company as the author.

(Status of Women Canada, 2018)

Status of Women Canada. (2018). Women in Canada: A gender based statistical report. Government of Canada.

Multiple sources with the same author and date

In-text: Include a lower case letter after the year of publication.

Reference List: List the sources with the same author and date alphabetically by title. Make sure your reference list entry and in-text citation letters match when you are done.


(Government of Canada, 2020a)

(Government of Canada, 2020b)

Government of Canada. (2020a). Environment and natural resources.

Government of Canada. (2020b). Policing, justice, and emergencies.

Author is same as publisher

In-text: not applicable

Reference list: Omit the publisher name

(Government of Canada, 2020) Government of Canada. (2020). Environment and natural resources.
No date

In-text: Use n.d. in place of date.

Reference list: Use n.d. in place of date.

Follow the format for your source type. Follow the format for your source type.

Is your scenario not covered in this table? Try consulting the official APA Style Blog's detailed information about elements of reference list entries and missing reference information or ask your librarian for help.

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