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STAT4010: Developing a Research Question

Choosing Your Research Topic

NOTE: These are topics, not questions, and will need to be narrowed!

Business Ideas:

  • Marketing trends of x population in y industry
  • Motivational drivers for purchasing
  • Management styles
  • Automation and its impact on X

Popular Topics:

  • Generational differences
  • Legalization of marijuana
  • Populism in politics

Topics to Avoid (note: there are ways to modify all of these to be good topics):

  • Physiology/Exercise Science
  • Coffee and its effects on X
  • Very narrow topics on a specific niche hobby

What's in a Research Question?

There are many types of research questions, but here are two of the main categories:

Observational Questions: Focuses on how two things are related - how do two variables work together?

Casual Questions: Focuses on cause and affect - does changing a variable impact the outcome of other variables?

There are also DESCRIPTIVE questions (i.e. describing a phenomenon), but those might not be the best choice for this class.

Your research question should ideally be:

  • Open ended - cannot be answered with a simple yes or no
  • Can be answered with data - qualitative, quantitative, or both
  • Not loaded - does not imply the answer in the question itself
  • Not based in ethics - subjective right and wrong don't exist in empirical research
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