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Geospatial Data Technology: Alberta Data

Use this guide to locate data for and resources about surveying and geomatics

AltaLIS Licensed Data (Restricted License Students & Faculty)

SAIT belongs to a consortium of Alberta academic institutions that licenses spatial data from AltaLIS to support research and teaching.  Access to the data licensed by by the consortium is restricted and coordinated through partner institution contracts.  SAIT students and faculty are required to sign an AltaLIS license agreement.  Please contact the library or mail for more information

Data Type File Extension Description
DEM - 10m .rrd Digital elevation model at 10 meter resolution
Urban and Rural Cadastral .dwg, .dgn Block lines, lot lines, lot numbers, road limits, rights of way, metes and bounds, plan numbers, etc.
Uban and Rural  Title .shp Ownership parcels and LINC numbers of titles property
Digital Integrated Dispositions (DID) .shp Major types of dispositions on Alberta's public Lands
Fortis Alberta Facility Data .shp Poles, Conductors, Street Lights, and Service Territory

AltaLIS Open Data

AltaLIS manages data and distribution of data on behalf of Alberta Data Partnerships, Ltd.  and some of this data is distributed at no cost.  Data can be accessed through the AltaLIS platform.  Users will be required to create an account with through the platform found at

Data Type File Extension Description 
Access Features .shp Features the can be used by vehicle
Base Features - GeoAdmin Areas .shp, .gdb Boundaries for land administration and land use
Base Features - Contour Linework .shp, .gdb 10m & 20m countour lines of topography
Base Features - Hydography .shp, .gdb Water bodies, watercourses and direction of flow
DEM (25 m) ASCII Digital elevation model at 25 meter resolution
ATS Polygons and coordinates .shp, ascii Alberta Township system - LSD, quarter sections, sections
Municipal Boundaries .shp Counties, MDs, Special Areas, Cities, Towns, Villiages, etc.
Topographic small scale .dwg NTS map sheets 1:250K 

Alberta Spatial Data (Open)

Source Description File Extension Access
Alberta Geological Survey Surficial and bedrock geology, sediment thickness, groundwater/hydrogeology, and mineral resources .pdf, .shp Access
Alberta Environment & Sustainable Resource Development River basins, runoff, reservoir storage, natural flow, precipitation, snow and air temperature .pdf, ascii Access
GeoDiscover Alberta Maps, services and geographic information related to Alberta. Includes Rivers, Streams & Lakes; Imagery; Land Use; Townships, Ranges & Legal Subdivisions; Geological as well as license agreements on select resources various Access
Agricultural Region of Alberta Soil Inventory Database Spatial distribution of soils and associated landscapes within the agricultural region of Alberta. .shp, GSD Access
Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute species and habitat, land cover, human footprint, imagery data files. various Access
Calgary Metropolitan Region Open Data regional growth, utilities, transit and transportation, and regional land use data files. various Access
Open Data Areas Alberta Various vector and raster files for: Beaver Hills, Fort McMurray, Fox Creek, RMH Sylvan, Taber, Utikuma Lake various Access

Reference Maps

Data by Theme

The University of Calgary has a collection of spatial resources organized by theme (e.g., energy, crime, transportation, weather) available online. Most resources are open and accessible to the public.  However, resources that state that you must contact SAND to  access the file are licensed content and are not available to SAIT students.  If that occurs, contact with the organization and file name to determine if it can be accessed via the SAIT Library.

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