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SAIT 3D Library: Publishing Guidelines

Learn about a new initative to support 3D model creation and use at SAIT

SAIT 3D Model Library Guidelines

  1. Mission and scope
  2. Eligibility
  3. Inclusion criteria and quality control
  4. Copyright and rights management
  5. Access and use
  6. Retention and deaccession
  7. Maintenance and preservation

Mission and scope

The mission of the 3D Model Library is to collect, manage, preserve, and support open access to unique 3D models created by SAIT employees and students to support research, teaching, and learning.  

This purpose aligns with SAIT’s institutional goals of embedding digital literacy across programs and maintaining its reputation for excellence in the provision of interactive learning and applied research. 



Publication in the 3D Model Library is mediated by the Reg Erhardt Library in partnership with the MacPhail School of Energy and open to all members of the SAIT community. This refers to individuals or groups affiliated with a School, department, program, research team, or collaborative project, including but not limited to: 

  • Current and former SAIT faculty and employees;
  • SAIT Schools, Departments, and Centres; 
  • Students with endorsement by a faculty or staff member. 


Inclusion criteria and quality control

Content in the 3D Model Library must be educational, scholarly, or research-oriented, or of cultural or historical value to the SAIT community.  

Items must not contain libelous or other unlawful matter, or violate anyone's right to privacy. Submissions will be reviewed for eligibility and relevance according to the mission and scope of the 3D Model Library.  

The validity and authenticity of items is the responsibility of their Creator(s). For items submitted by students, the sponsoring faculty or staff member is responsible for assuring it is appropriate for inclusion.


Copyright and rights management

As per its mission and scope, the 3D Model Library’s content is intended for non-commercial use related to research, teaching, and learning.  

Creators will be required to assign one of the following Creative Commons licenses that restricts commercial use of individual items: CC BY-NC-SA or CC BY-NC-ND.

If digitization of the item falls outside of the non-infringement parameters outlined in the Copyright Act, a fair dealing analysis is required in consultation with SAIT’s Copyright Librarian, as needed. Please contact for a consultation. If a 3D model requires the imaging of a prototype or other object being made in agreement between SAIT and a third party, permission of the third party should be obtained before the image can be added to the 3D Model Library. 


Access and use

While the 3D Model Library is primarily intended to support research, teaching, and learning at SAIT, its content will be openly available for use by anyone in the world.  

Content will be uploaded and cataloged using the 3D Model Library Metadata Profile developed by the Reg Erhardt Library. 


Retention and deaccession

Items in the 3D Model Library will be retained according to program- and discipline-specific needs.  

In accordance with the 3D Model Library’s mission, content may be deaccessioned at the discretion of the Reg Erhardt Library, with consultation from the MacPhail School of Energy and applicable departments as needed, if items are deemed to be out-of-date, unusable, or otherwise irrelevant to the SAIT community.  

Indefinite archiving and preservation of files is out-of-scope of the 3D Model Library. 


Maintenance and preservation

File types will be monitored for degradation to ensure longevity. When possible, raw data files with accompanying documentation will be saved and open, nonproprietary standards will be used to ensure stable, long-term access. 

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