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Environmental Scanning: Library Resources

Management and environmental scanning resources

Business Databases

Business Source Complete Search tips for Business Source Complete - Contains articles covering all disciplines of business, including: marketing, management, accounting, finance, economics and more. Additional content includes: industry reports, SWOT analyses, company profiles, and country reports.

See a sample Industry Profile

                          SWOT Analysis

                          Company Profile

                          Country Report

IBISWorld - Contains over 400 Canadian and provincial Industry reports. IBISWorld research reports contain trends, statistics & analysis on market size, market share of major companies and industry growth rates. Major market segments are identified and also those key external forces affecting supply and demand within the industry. Performance analysis includes emerging industry trends as well as recent production performance.

Business Insights: Essentials - Try searching your company's name. Provides up to date and topical information, including detailed histories and SWOT reports, on thousands of companies. Also includes industry intelligence. 

Canadian Newsstream - Provides access to Canadian daily and weekly newspapers with articles dating from the present back to the early 1980s. Includes all major papers including The Globe and Mail, National Post, Calgary Herald, and Edmonton Journal. 

Discover books, articles, media and more

Library Search finds material from numerous sources. Articles from Business Source Complete and Business Insights, as well as books from the catalogue, will appear in your results. 

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