Academic misconduct |
Any action or attempted action that may result in creating an unfair academic advantage for a SAIT student and/or other SAIT students and is described in more detail in the Code. It includes, but is not limited to, plagiarism, cheating, collusion, altering academic documents or transcripts, intentionally or deliberately gaining access to materials before they are intended to be available, or helping another student to gain an unfair academic advantage. |
Balance of probabilities | The standard of proof that is met when something is more likely to be true than not true. |
Cheating | Cheating is academic misconduct that usually (but not always) arises during the course of assignments, quizzes, examinations or other evaluative processes. |
Collusion | Collusion occurs when two or more persons act together to cheat, plagiarize or engage in academic misconduct or encourage others to do so. |
Plagiarism | Plagiarism occurs when a student submits work in which the student has taken ideas or words from another source and presents them as if they are the student’s own work, without appropriate acknowledgement of the original source. It is the act of presenting another’s materials as one’s own without appropriate acknowledgement that constitutes plagiarism, whether or not the student does so intentionally. |
Student | For the purposes of this Code, a student is a person who has a SAIT ID number. |
SAIT upholds the principles of academic integrity, honesty, fairness and the promotion of ethical scholarship as key. SAIT expects its students to respect those values and to adhere to the academic requirements of their respective fields of study.
Students can expect the following rights to be upheld:
Students have individual and, where applicable, group responsibility for:
The information provided on this web page is an edited version of the Student Code of Conduct as it relates to academic misconduct. To review the Student Code of Conduct in its entirety, go to SAIT's policy webpage, section AC.3.4.3.