Start here by entering your search terms into the Library Search below. The Library Search is your single access point to all of our online and on-campus resources.
You can make your search more effective by using the following to separate your keywords (terms):
Try using one of the following science-specific databases to narrow your search. Results from these databases will still appear when you use the Library Search, but searching them directly ensures your results will be more relevant to chemical science.
Contains articles covering hundreds of topics relating to all major fields of study within the sciences, including computing, engineering, transportation, technology, chemistry, and more.
The American Chemical Society publishes high quality scientific journals worldwide, with cutting-edge research from the most-cited, peer-reviewed publications in the chemical and engineering sciences.
ScienceDirect Physical Sciences Collection includes full-text articles from over 500 journals in the physical sciences and engineering disciplines.
Health, safety and environmental legislation as well as guidelines and codes of practice for: Canada (Federal), British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Yukon, North West Territories, and Nunavut.
Provides online access to the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics.
A collection of almost 3 million images including images from the National Portrait Gallery of London, the National Geographic Society, and a Canadian Photo collection.