The Library maintains basic guidelines for the IEEE Citation style which has a specific citation format for standards and codes:
Template | Example | |
Reference list entry |
[#] Title of Standard, Standard number, Corporate Author, City, Abbreviated State, Country, Abbreviated Month. Year. [Online]. Available: internet address |
[1] Canadian Electrical Code, Part I Safety Standard for Electrical Installations, CSA C22.1:21, Canadian Standards Association, Toronto, Canada, Jan. 2021. [Online]. Available: |
Note: Omit the date if it is part of the title of the Standard or Code.
Many of our databases and e-book providers will also give you formatted citations in the style of your choice. These citations are not always perfect, however, and should be checked against a guide or with your instructor.
Note: Always check with your instructors about their preferred citation style and other assignment criteria.
CSA and NBC are just two of the many standards and codes you can access through the Library. Other standards include:
For a complete list, please visit the Library's Standards and Codes guide.