The SAIT Academic Calendar states that plagiarism exists "when a student presents work in a course or program of study as if it was the student's own work when, in fact, it is not." Penalties range from a zero grade for the assignment to expulsion from SAIT.
Plagiarism may be accidental or intentional. It includes:
To review the Student Code of Conduct in its entirety, go to the SAIT policy webpage, section AC.3.4.3.
Take notes rather than copying blocks of text into your assignment. This is especially important with online resources such as articles, e-journals, e-books and websites. Only copy from the source when recording exact quotes. Taking good notes is the most effective way to avoid accidental plagiarism.
There are three types of note taking used in research:
Before writing the summary or paraphrase, review the source material a couple of times to make sure you understand what is being said. Then write the summary or paraphrase without looking at the source. This will lessen the chances of accidental plagiarism.
Record all the sources of information consulted during your research, even if you do not expect to include that material in the project or have not taken notes from that source. This includes:
Sources include but are not limited to books, articles, e-books, e-journals, government publications and websites.
When writing, use proper citation for paraphrases and quotations and include a complete works cited list or bibliography. Use citation consistently throughout the assignment. The SAIT Library's collection of tutorials and guides has more information on citing sources and doing ethical research.
Consult with your instructor or one of the resources listed below if you are unsure whether a citation is required. When in doubt, cite!