Use the Library's Poster Design Guide to help you craft a great poster.
"Why can't I just use an image from Google?"
You do not necessarily have permission to use all of the photos and videos that you find from a Google search. To find images that you are sure you have permission to use in your assignments, you can use the image databases that the Library has or you can change your Google search to only retrieve materials that you have permission to reuse. See below for instructions on how to do both.
Don't forget that you need a citation for any image that you use! Instructions on how to cite an image can be found in Chapter 17 of the U.S. National Library of Medicine's Vancouver Style Guide.
The Library gives you access to two databases with images that you can download to use in your assignments and presentations.
This product contains the Stedman’s Medical Dictionary including a broad range of full color illustrations, videos and reference materials. It also contains The Acland’s Atlas of Human Anatomy video series, the Health and Nursing Dictionary, Dental Dictionary and Pocket Medical Dictionary.
Stedman's Online has illustrations, diagrams, photos, and x-ray images of the respiratory system. Select the Illustrations tab and then browse or search.
A collection of almost 3 million images including images from the National Portrait Gallery of London, the National Geographic Society, and a Canadian Photo collection.
Britannica ImageQuest has photos of respiratory therapists providing care, as well as images and x-rays of lungs affected by various diseases. It's organized differently from Stedman's so you'll have to try searching using terms like respiratory therapy or lung to find results. This is a good place to find stock photos of patient interactions.
1. Type a search term into Google. For example, oxygen therapy.
2. Click on Images to see all of the images that your search finds.
3. Click on Tools, then Usage rights, and select "Labeled for reuse" (either with or without modifications - ask yourself if you will be adding or removing something from the original picture). Since you're using the image in your coursework, this is considered noncommercial use.