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Evidence Synthesis Methods: Searching & Managing Sources

A guide to assist SAIT faculty and staff with using evidence synthesis methods such as scoping and systematic reviews

A key characteristic of evidence synthesis methods is an exhaustive and comprehensive search of the available literature.

It is recommended that you choose a primary database that best fits your topic and construct a search strategy that “speaks” to that particular tool, then “translate” that search strategy to other tools in your protocol. Use the Library's A-Z list of e-resources or contact your Library Liaison for support with this selection and search process.

Software Tools

There are a number of online tools and software available for managing citations and other tasks in the evidence synthesis process, many of which are compatible with the Library’s databases and other search tools.

The following resources provide information about both free and subscription-based options:

Below is a comparison table of search tools that highlights in the middle the three tools you should use for evidence synthesis: citation and full-text databases that the Library subscribes to, as well as academic search engines like Google Scholar.

A few important tips:

  • Do not use the Library’s single search on the main page. Also referred to as discovery layers or services, academic library catalogs are uniquely configured for an institutional library at a certain point in time, which means a search within it cannot be easily replicated by external researchers.
  • Most search tools allow you to create a personal account. It's recommended that you create accounts in each platform or tool to save and rerun your searches. This helps to keep track of sources and to add terms to searches that you have already developed.
  • Always run searches with the full-text limiter turned off, in order to pick-up records from outside of the SAIT Library's collections. Sources not available in full-text can be requested through our interlibrary loan service.
  • Most university libraries allow for walk-in visitor access to databases and indexes, such as Web of Science and Scopus. Check their website or contact them for details.

Effective searching combines search terms and phrases with:

  • Boolean operators (AND / OR / NOT)
  • Truncation/wildcard, e.g. teen*
  • Adjacency/proximity operators, e.g. ADJ3, ADJn
  • Filters, e.g. publication date range
  • Controlled vocabulary, e.g. subject headings; and/or
  • Other database-specific syntax

…that speak directly to the search tool.

It's strongly recommended that you reach out to your Librarian or the Research and Instruction Librarian to have your search strategy reviewed for feedback or to request that we work with you to construct it. If you are seeking to publish your research, you must document, track, and be prepared to defend your search strategy; an information professional (like your Liaison) has been trained to do this type of work.

Below are resources to help you understand advanced database syntax and searching. There are also a lot of training materials and tutorials available online that may be provided by the publisher/vendor (e.g. EBSCOHost) or other Libraries, which can guide you in navigating specific databases and platforms.

Depending on your topic and the discipline, you may need to consider additional types of sources and strategies to ensure you’ve captured all the relevant literature:

Meet your librarian

Each school at SAIT has a dedicated librarian who can help with research, citation and using the library’s resources. See below for contact details or learn more here.

Allie MastinLiaison: MacPhail School of Energy.
Book an appointment here

AnneMarie de Groot. Liaison: Transportation.
Book an appointment here

David Layton. Liaison: Health and Public Safety. 
Book an appointment here

Jessica Norman. Liaison: Construction, Manufacturing and Automation.
Book an appointment here

Kelley Wadson. Liaison: Hospitality and Tourism.
Book an appointment here

Kevin Tanner. Liaison: Student Services, Academic Services.  
Book an appointment here

Kristian McInnis. Liaison: Advanced Digital Technology.
Book an appointment here

Luke Malone. Liaison: Business.  
Book an appointment here

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