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Electronics Engineering Technology (ENT): PROJ 354


PROJ classes at SAIT are an opportunity for you to perform research to solve real-world industry problems. Your project will involve both primary research, where you gather the data, and secondary research, where you look for information that has already been created. Being able to find, assess, and use credible information is important for both this project and future industry assignments.

Secondary Research

Secondary research helps us understand the current trends and existing research in a specific field or industry.

  1. Refresh yourself on how to develop a Search Strategy with the Library's Research Tutorial.
  2. Use the Specialized Databases listed below to find professionally published or peer reviewed literature in your field. 
  3. Remember to cite all work that is not your own. 

Find Illustrations

Use Your RADAR

The RADAR Framework is a tool to help you remember the criteria used to evaluate the quality, credibility, and relevance of any source of information. Keep these principles in mind when considering the inclusion of any source - whether print, online or other media - in your assignment.

Relevance – How relevant is the information to your assignment?

  • Consider your audience and compare the information source with a variety of sources.
  • Ask yourself if the information relates to your topic or answers your research question.

Authority – Who/what is the source (author, publisher) of the information?

  • Check the credentials or qualifications of the author. Does the author have credibility through education or experience to be writing on the topic?
  • If there is no author listed, evaluate the authority of the company/business/organization that published the information.
  • Consider the affiliation of the author or publisher.

Date – When was the information first published or last updated?

  • Consider if you need the most recent information on your topic.
  • A general rule of thumb is to use content created in the last 5 years, but older content may be appropriate depending on your topic.
  • Historical sources may need to be used to provide context.

Appearance – What does the source of information look like?

  • Different source types have different elements that may affect the quality or level of information provided. Consider where the information was published. For example, is it published as a webpage, in an academic journal, in a trade publication, etc.?
  • Consider the way the information is presented: articles supported by evidence and citations are more credible, while editorials, opinion pieces, and blog posts may be more subjective.
  • Check who/what the author references and evaluate the quality of the information they use to support their argument.

Reason (for creation) – Why was the information published in the first place?

  • Consider if the information was created to inform, teach, entertain, persuade, sell something, or for some other reason.
  • Are there any clear biases in the information? To what degree is the information objective and impartial?

RADAR is not a yes/no test, or a be-all and end-all guide. Use RADAR to consider the relative quality of information as you are searching.

Using "Bad" Information

Biased, opinionated or even false information can be included in a research project to effectively highlight dissenting opinions or identify commonly held errors. The reliability of such information, however, should always be clearly identified and placed in context with more balanced sources.

If you are unsure about the quality of a source, don’t hesitate to contact the library for help!

Primary Research

Primary research is an opportunity for you to collect relevant data that will add to the information and findings gathered from your secondary research. Below are some resources to get started. If you need further assistance, contact your Library Liaison

Search Google Patents for original design schemas, invention details, blueprints, and more. 

Google Patent Search

Contact your librarian

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Allie Mastin
Reg Erhardt Library,
Stan Grad Centre, MC 114
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