Copyright infringement can occur when using someone else's copyrighted work without permission or without exemption under the Copyright Act, and is a legal matter handled by the courts.
To prevent copyright infringement,
As members of the SAIT community, students should follow SAIT's Copyright of External Materials policy.
Copyright permission is not required when a student:
The Fair Dealing exception in the federal government's Copyright Act allows you to use other people’s copyright protected material for the purpose of research, private study, education, satire, parody, criticism, review or news reporting, provided that what you do with the work is ‘fair’.
You can use short excerpts of copy-right protected works for these purposes without infringing copyright. SAIT's fair dealing guidelines defines a "short excerpt" as:
REMEMBER: Even if use of an item falls under the Fair Dealing guidelines, you still need to cite your source!
The information provided on this web page is an edited version of the SAIT Copyright of External Materials policy as it relates to fair dealing. To review the policy in its entirety, go to and review all parts of AC.2.12, AC.2.12.1, and AC.2.12.1-Schedule A