The Library has subscriptions to a broad variety of standards e-resources which support the MacPhail School of Energy and the Schools of Advanced Digital Technology, Business, Construction, Health & Public Safety, Manufacturing & Automation and Transportation.
Engineering Workbench provides access various digital standards, including all ASME and BPVC codes, select API and ISO standards, the Alberta Building Code, the National Building Code of Canada, the National Fire Code of Canada, and the National Plumbing Code of Canada.
Contains over 12,000 ASTM standards used by scientists, engineers and government agencies for commercial and industrial research, as well as product testing and development.
IEEE Xplore (IEL) subscription includes full text access to: IEEE journals, magazines, and transactions (including Spectrum Magazine and the Proceedings of the IEEE); IET journals and magazines; Proceedings from IEEE and IET annual conferences; more than 3,700 approved and published IEEE standards in key technology fields; access to Bell Labs Technical Journal and VDE Verlag conferences.
Provides access to CCOHS data collections and standards, including: CHEMINFO, MSDS/FTSS, RTECS, OHS References.
Health, safety and environmental legislation as well as guidelines and codes of practice for: Canada (Federal), British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Yukon, North West Territories, and Nunavut.
The National Building Code and derivatives (National Electrical, Energy, and Fire codes as well as Alberta versions of the codes) are available as a free download for personal use. The NRC has made it very easy, with a direct download option from their archive:
As well, the NRC is now offering free electronic access to the related user’s guides, including: